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If you see a product we list that you feel is more marketing and not legit, let us know and we will review and remove immediately after evaluation of findings. We also internally review products to make sure what we sell are reputable products. Our goal is to be collaborative and transparent with our customers.

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Patel Science Products are not just researched but are reviewed for quality. We make sure vendors are using independent testing labs to evaluate products to make sure they have what they say they have as well as don’t have anything that should not be in the products. Each supplier must hold a most recent certificate that supports its’ quality.

Latest Company News

1/2/2025 - Patel Science sets launch date for 2/1/2025

1/5/2025 - Patel Science launches Brand Ambassador Program

1/10/2025 - Patel Science sets launch date for 2/1/2025